
At American Engineering Laboratories, we are committed to providing our clients with the very best in professional quality control services. To fulfill that commitment, we have assembled a staff which is unparalleled in experience, training and motivation. Each of our Registered Engineers, Registered Engineering Geologist, Registered Inspectors, Field and Laboratory Technicians is a true professional. Further, each and every member of our firm is dedicated to serving the interests of our clients. Fundamental to our business philosophy is the concept of functioning as a productive member of the total construction “team” along with the architect, engineer, the contractor and the owner.

It has been our experience that projects constructed with a spirit of cooperation generally have a minimum number of “changes” and exhibit the highest degree of overall quality. Inevitably, problems arise on construction projects. We pledge to address those problems in a timely, constructive, and cost effective manner. Our firm is one in which you can place your confidence and your trust. Our services are completed on time and within budget. We want to be your quality control professionals, and we know that you will enjoy your association with our people.